University status assessment: a baseline study


Tarhata S. Guiamalon1*, Susa A. Elias2, Arbaya H. Boquia3

1Assoc. Prof. Dr., Cotabato State University, PHILIPPINES,

²Assoc. Prof. Engr. Cotabato State University, PHILIPPINES,

³Assoc. Prof. Dr., Cotabato State University, PHILIPPINES,

*Corresponding author


As newly converted university, providing great services and offering programs that are relevant to societal needs is expected. It is deemed necessary to conduct a status assessment of the current condition of the university in order to determine where it can improve instruction and physical plant development. The study aims to provide information about the following: (a) curricular offerings of the university; (b) demographic profiles of the student population, faculty education qualifications, non-teaching employees, and teaching and non-teaching employees; and (c) physical facility and location characteristics. The data collection methods used involved largely a documentary review. These documents were system generated data of students, data of Faculty from the Human Resource Management Office (HRMO) and from Planning office and inventories. Data were analyzed using frequency and percentage. It was concluded that Resources, like physical, human, financial and others, are essential for the success of any school system. Provisions of material resources such as school buildings and facilities for staff and students can attain the best performance in the teaching and learning process.

Keywords: Curricular Offerings, Physical Facilities, Educational Qualification, Demographic Profile



CITATION:Abstracts & Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2022- 9th International Conference on Education and Education of Social Sciences, 13-14 June 2022

ISBN: 978-605-06286-6-1